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#191: Evolving… Again

31 Minutes

Well, here we are. Another Fall.  Another starting over. 

Whether it’s school, work, or perspective, we (Hannah and Cecilia) find that as the seasons change, so do we. It’s supposed to be that way, right?  Nothing stays the same. 

Yet, as we change, we also preserve the multitudes of who we’ve been in the past. It’s quite the collection. So many years, so many selves.

Writer Anne Lamotte says, “We contain all the ages we have ever been.”  

We are like living nesting dolls. Each doll holding a piece of our personal and collective histories.

But the dolls aren’t fixed. They grow too. Each doll, dwelling within, changes as we evolve.

We are not static. 

We are complex. 

And getting more so each day.

This week’s podcast offers a reflection on change and growth. Join us, as Hannah and Cecilia talk about ways that we are, in body, mind, and spirit, becoming more and more complex.





Each week Dr. Cecilia Dintino and Psychotherapist Hannah Murray Starobin will speak with women who have twisted their plots and discovered that life after 50 can be filled with imagination, inspiration, laughter, and endless possibilities.

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