Home / Blog / #142: Mother’s Day with Nancy Dintino (Cecilia’s Mom)

#142: Mother’s Day with Nancy Dintino (Cecilia’s Mom)

38 Minutes

It’s not everyone who gets to be 63 and celebrate Mother’s Day with their Mom. For many of us Mother’s Day does not bring this kind of joy. Some of us may have lost our Moms and the day brings sadness. Some may have complicated relationships with our mothers. But Cecilia’s Mom, Nancy Dintino, is going strong and growing still.

We interviewed Nancy while Cecilia was home for a visit. A mother of six, grandmother of 13, and babysitter or stand-in mother to countless others, Nancy says it’s all about love.

She tells us how she fell in love with each of her kids and grandkids, and how grateful she is for her family. We ask how she did it with six little ones under age of 6 in the house, and she replies by staying grounded and present. It seems Nancy was mindful before mindful was the way to be. Listen as Nancy talks about the importance of acceptance and ongoing adaptation as she, at 84, continues to learns from her children and grandchildren. 






Each week Dr. Cecilia Dintino and Psychotherapist Hannah Murray Starobin will speak with women who have twisted their plots and discovered that life after 50 can be filled with imagination, inspiration, laughter, and endless possibilities.

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