We have a wealth of information (and dare we say humorous) takes on this complicated, wonderful life after 50. Follow us on social and check in on our site for blog posts and podcasts.

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How to Build a Midlife Worth Living

For years I have been teaching and coaching clients to use certain skills during painful times. Lately I've been teaching the skills to middle-aged women. Dialectical Behavior Therapy—DBT—is a solution-focused, active treatment with the overarching goal to build a life worth living.

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Attention Women Over 50: Something’s Happening

Have you noticed? Everywhere you look, women, in particular older women, are starting to assert themselves, achieve power, apply their well-earned wisdom and take on positions of leadership. It’s happening in politics. It’s happening in business. And it’s probably happening in your very own community. What about you? Do you have a powerful woman inside you wanting to step forward? Do you want to make your next acts count? If you’re so inclined, there are...

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Trailer: Welcome to Twisting the Plot

11 mins Dr. Cecilia Dintino and Psychotherapist Hannah Murray Starobin tell the story of how they met and decided to start Twisting the Plot. Then they share their goal in starting the podcast; to expand the narrative, explore possibilities and create cultural change for women over 50.  PLAY PODCAST

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In search of my New Year’s Resolution

I hate making New Year’s resolutions. The minute I start thinking about making resolutions my internal voice begins chiming in with a litany of negative things I “should” be focused on. “You are too fat.” “You are too stressed.” “You are so disorganized.” Contemplating all my shortcomings makes me want to get into bed and pull the covers over my head. I rarely take the time to look back with fresh eyes on the past...

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How To Turn Painful Emotions Into Superpowers

When Maura was told that her job was in jeopardy she immediately ran out of the office, through the hallway, into the elevator and out to her car. She called me as she was driving, 80 miles an hour, banging on the horn and yelling obscenities to everyone who came into her path. “I can’t take any more of this sh*t, “ she screamed into the phone. “My whole life has been one failure after...

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The Best Way to Get Through

Has it ever happened that you find yourself, figuratively or literally, banging your fists, head and body against a wall, a wall with a sign that reads: It’s not supposed to be this way? While you bang on the wall, you hear yourself proclaim: “I can’t take this.” You are suffering. You resist reality. When midlife hits there are so many things to resist. For Lynn it was the death of her husband, for Annette...

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How To Defy Ageism

Here are a few imagined plot twists for older women. Marta was awarded her silk robe on her 80th birthday. She decided her new name would be Supreme Listening One. She has honed the skill of listening well beyond the expertise of others. She listens better than the best psychotherapist. People say that she listens with her organs, not just her ears. Google and Amazon are currently vying to hire her in a high earning...

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Each week Dr. Cecilia Dintino and Psychotherapist Hannah Murray Starobin will speak with women who have twisted their plots and discovered that life after 50 can be filled with imagination, inspiration, laughter, and endless possibilities.

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